Creeping Stupidity watch...
Written by: Beck
Amish Tech Support links an
article which, frankly, blows my mind. Here's the story:
a movie in the works about cloning humans set up a fake website offering human cloning services. People immediately reacted with anger and rage, inasmuch as they actually concluded that an American company was offering full bore human cloning services. Once confronted with the knowledge that the website was merely a movie promo, they reacted as all humans exposed to the truth do: they rationalized. Some of them so much so that a Reuters article could, in all seriousness, publish the following:
But some Web surfers have begun petitions to close the site because, they claim, it is insensitive to people who have lost a loved one or family member and might actually be seeking to have that person cloned, which is the topic of the film.
That's right folks, you heard it hear first. It's illegal to behave in a manner which is "insensitive." Or at least some people wish it were. New addition to the liberal lexicon: insensitive - anything which is both valid and unpleasant.