From the Things-that-are-Just-Plain-Wrong Department:
Written by: Beck
I'm going to have to start keeping all of my grapefruit spoons locked up, as I'm going through sets of eyeballs way too fast. Yet another cool memory from the 80's has been irreparably shattered for me. Gouging out my eyes is really just collateral damage.
Rambling's Journal linked to a web page that can't truly be described--it must be experienced to be understood. Jay Maynard went and
made himself a costume inspired by the movie
TRON. Did he take lots of pictures of himself to illustrate the process, you ask? Of course he did. Every step of the process comes complete with front, rear, and two profile shots. So it doesn't help that he's wearing a unitard--a garment whose entendres have never been more fitting (HAW!). Or that he's a good fifty pounds overweight. Or that he... no, words are failing me. Just go and look for yourself.