Random thought for the day...
Written by: Beck
When was the last time you used a computer application for which the Scroll Lock button had a function assigned? Frankly, I'm not sure I've EVER used a computer program which utilized the Scroll Lock button, and I've been using computers for almost 20 years now. I'm not even entirely sure what it was originally intended for. Does anyone out there actually use this button on anything approaching a regular basis?
You know what I'd like to see? Bold Lock. Hold down shift and hit Bold Lock and you get Italics Lock. That would save a lot of time formatting text, and would be especially helpful for writers who don't want to derail their train of thought in the middle of composing. I mean, sure, it's not something I'd use all the time, but I'd get more use out of it than I do the Pause/Break button or the Print Screen button. My keyboard even has these random special-function buttons across the top which are programmable for audio, video, and web control. But no Bold Lock.
Is that so much to ask for?