DNC Day 3, Take 8 - Democratic Failures edition
Written by: Beck
They've actually dug up George McGovern, Walter Mondale, and Michael Dukakis.
(Sidenote: Jim Lehrer just observed that during Gov. Granholm's speech, people on the floor were milling around, completely ignoring her. There's a reason why, and it doesn't have to do with her relative status as an unknown outside of Michigan. It has to do with a terrible speech.)
Mark Shields: "All three of them had successful marriages to rather remarkable women." Response when asked what those three men had in common other than being failed Democratic presidential nominees. The other thing they had in common? They all lost in landslides. Mondale and McGovern both won only 1 state a piece. Dukakis won only 10 states, despite an overwhelming lead after his convention.
Brooks: "Sharpton's speech has still been the most remarkable speech so far." Think about the implications of that statement. Sharpton is a better reflection of the true heart of the Democratic party than this pro-war charade we've watched parade along thus far. People need to know and learn that.