Written by: Beck
Talking head: Not one word about Kerry's service in the Senate, where he has spent the bulk of his political life.
She makes an excellent point which I hadn't thought of. There has been hardly any mention of Kerry's service in the Senate these past 4 days. There's clearly something they're trying to avoid discussing here, and I think it's obvious what it is: John Kerry's voting record.
Richard Smith: "We are hearing an extraordinary amount of attention about several months that Kerry spent in Vietnam. We've heard virtually nothing about the 20 plus years that Kerry has spent in the Senate."
The only senators to go from the Senate to the white house in this century: JFK and Warren Harding. Evidently, talking about Senate stuff causes voters' eyes to glaze over. The talking heads have a point there, but there's more to the story. Kerry's voting record makes him out as one of the most liberal senators currently serving, and it also serves to highlight many of his flip flops and his policy contradictions.
There's also been no mention of his anti-war activities after the Vietnam war--evidently another thing Kerry is ashamed of. Yet far more than the 4 months in Nam, the years of anti-war activism do much more to define Kerry the man. But we haven't had a chance to see that (nor will we). The Republican convention, as a consequence, will have to be much more confrontational, as it falls now to the Republicans to highlight Kerry's anti-war record
David Brooks: "Kerry's senate record stands in contradiction to the message of this convention."
I'm glad someone finally said it.