Live blogging to commence in 3... 2... 1...
Written by: Beck
Tonight should be rather less interesting than either of the previous two nights. Pretty much all of the Democratic big guns are out of the way, and the B team will be carrying things until the last hour of the evening. You know your convention has run out of steam when the biggest speaker for the first two prime time hours is Dennis Kucinich.
After that, John Edwards, introduced by his wife, will speak, followed by the official process to nominate John Kerry.
Update: INDC is keen on entering a contest going on in the WaPo, and I'm happy to throw support behind him.
Go have a look.
Update: Added to
Beltway Traffic Jam.
Blogs 4 Bush has a good roundup of what people are saying about the first two days' events, in case you haven't had enough already.