Some Useless Speculation: Kerry's Personality Type
What Myers-Briggs personality type do you think Kerry is? If you aren't familiar with Myers-Briggs you can go here
I would guess that he is an ESTP or an ISTP.
1. I don't really have a guess as to whether he is an E or an I.
2. I would say he is Sensing not Intuitive, because all his views seem to be a mish-mash of what he perceives to be most advantageous at the moment, and don't seem to be a big-picture, holistic, view. Then again, maybe he is just hiding his big-picture views.
3. I would say he is Thinking not Feeling, because all his actions seem so calculated, and he doesn't seem to understand the depths of feeling people may have for his actions (i.e. the Swift Boat Veterans).
4. I would say he is Percieving, not Judging, because he can't seem to make a firm decision and stick with it. He always seems to want to gather more information before coming out with a conclusive view.
I am most surprised by this last one though, because Kerry was in the military, and if the military should have left him with one stong Myers-Briggs trait, it would be Judging. From the very beginning in the military you are taught to quickly and decisively make decisions.
Maybe he's a natural P and the twenty-odd years dithering around in the Senate let him slide back into the P-mode.
I don't know, I am just guessing. What do you all think?