This is a mixed bag. While the possibilities for putting heads on pikes is very high, the probability is very low. Israel has rewarded Arafat for his lifetime of terrorism with a personal fortune in the
billions and is stil subjected to attacks.
On the other hand, with Russia as a patron power, Israel will not be as restricted by Euroweenies and our State Department ("If they're an ally of ours, they must be wrong!"). We may actually see real anti-terrorism strategies developed and effected, instead of lame
speeches about how the terrorists win if we don't go on vacation.
The problem remains that neither Russia nor Israel has shown much inclination in the past decade to strike at terrorists more than an hours drive away from home. Both have developed excellent strategies that they've used in the past, but those strategies lie abandoned, hindered by a global press that prefers non-muslim body counts to muslim defeats. The United States has shown that it lacks the collective will to take the war seriously and not enough countries are willing to take up the slack. How high will the bodycount go before Putin or Bush stop practicing restraint and start fighting for victory?
Goe, ranting and raving all night long.