We're spending billions to see if life existed on Mars. Unless we find some ancient microbial cave painting of an ameoba hunt, the answer will be a definate 'maybe'. The conditions for life existed, even if life did not. I think we should let the researchers have Mars. It's a cold and dark planet in a very communistic shade of red. I hate commies, so Mars is not the planet for me.
I don't know what color Venus is, but I'm hoping it's not red. While people study martian rocks to see if they can spot proof of life, i.e. bacteria making fun of
CBS News' lack of credibility, someone should grab some of these
critters and send them packing to Venus. I know their mother will miss them, but it's time for some of them to move on to bigger and better things. There are bacteria that could live on Mars, but not only would seeding life on Mars screw up the pointless research, no bacteria is big enough to wear the
Goe, appears to have misplaced his illudium q36 explosive space modulator.