By George I think he's got it!
Written by: Beck
One good thing for the Democrats came out of losing the 2004 election: now that they no longer have to avoid like the plague saying anything negative, they can actually
openly discuss the things they've been doing wrong. And I find it all amusing as hell--watching the party move from one statement of the obvious to another. That noise you hear is a chorus of Republican voters shouting, "We've been trying to tell you that this whole time!"
"Let's let Hollywood and the Cannes Film Festival fawn all over Michael Moore. We ought to make it clear he sure doesn't speak for us when it comes to standing up for our country," [Democratic strategist Will] Marshall said.
"Democrats have to make it very clear to the electorate that we believe that America is essentially a force for good in the world," he argued.
"Sometimes in our zeal to condemn Bush policy, we can go overboard in ways that really make them wonder whose side we're on," he said. "It is one thing to say the war in Iraq was a mistake; that's a legitimate position held by many thoughtful people. It's another thing to say it's an expression of some grasping new American imperialism, some kind of plot to grab Middle East oil or, even more ludicrously, all just about putting more money into Halliburton."