China probes for weakness
China has been scouting around
inside Japanese territorial waters. North Korea, the Curly Joe to China's Larry, is now trying to avoid talking about it's nuclear weapons. You'd think the world would be paying more attention, as both South Korea and Japan have admitted to small-scale enrichment experiments of their own. If North Korea tests a nuclear weapon, something they've been threatening to do for years and the last step in brinksmanship, it would be unreasonable for anyone to expect the non-communist nations along China's Pacific Rim to refrain from going nuclear. Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea are all capable of developing and manufacturing nuclear weapons in a short span of time. All three countries have everything to lose when China embarks on it's campaign to subjugate southern Asia.
Goe, reminding you that China is planning on a war with the US no later than 2020, probably by 2008.