Incite -- (v) 1: give an incentive; 2: provoke or stir up; "incite a riot"; 3: urge on; cause to act
Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Maybe now he'll show up for votes
Written by: Beck

Kerry Vows to Press on with Agenda in Senate. It's been a while since I fisked anything. Just couldn't resist this one.
John Kerry returned to the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday, vowed to fight on in the Senate for the changes sought by supporters of his failed U.S. presidential bid and did not rule out another White House run.
You have no idea how much I hope he runs again. One more Kerry presidential campaign and the Republican party should be able to net themselves a filibuster-proof Senate.
"Fifty-four plus million Americans voted for health care, they voted for energy independence, they voted for unity in America, they voted for stem-cell research, they voted for protecting Social Security," the four-term senator from Massachusetts told reporters as he met with two top Democratic congressional leaders.
And nearly sixty million Americans voted against all of that.
"We need to be unified," Kerry said in his first public comments since conceding defeat to President Bush in last Tuesday's election.
I know when I think of John Kerry I always think "unified." Does this mean he's going to support the Republican majority? 'Cuz that's the only way he's going to partake in any Senate unification.
"We have a very clear agenda, and I'm going to be fighting for that agenda with all of the energy that I have and all of the passion I brought to the campaign," Kerry said.
"Clear" and "passion." Two more words that I associate with John Kerry. Big time.
Kerry did not rule out another White House bid, but joked about a comment by his brother, Cameron, in The Boston Globe on Tuesday that such a run is "conceivable."

"It's inconceivable to me that anyone is even talking about that stuff right now," said Kerry...
For once I agree with the French looking liberal senator from Massachusetts, who by the way served in Vietnam. Hasn't the United States had enough campaign talk to last for a few years?
As television cameras rolled, Pelosi said, "I want to tell Senator Kerry how proud we were of him and are of him. His candidacy for president of the United States energized America .... His legacy is a great one, but it will continue, I'm sure."
Yes, it energized America, though not in the way I think she means. And what's with the blather about his legacy? Two years of not showing up for Senate votes plus a failed presidential campaign and we're talking about legacies?
Steve Grossman, a former Democratic Party chairman who worked on Kerry's 1996 Senate re-election campaign, said in a telephone interview. "Anybody who knows John Kerry knows John Kerry doesn't cut and run."
What Reuters fails to mention is how that 1996 campaign is the one Kerry nearly lost to Republican challenger William Weld. I'll spare you the obvious Vietnam/cut-and-run joke. Oops. Too late.
Asked if he expected Kerry to make another run for the White House, Grossman said, "I think it is unlikely given the rhythm of politics in this country."
Maybe that's the Democrats' problem. Trying to incorporate the rhythm method into politics. And for the closer, I leave you with the obligatory unintentionally hilarious quote from a politico who just can't help himself:
"You generally have your shot, take your shot and if you don't win, people tend to move on to a different set of characters," Grossman said. "But never is a long time. So I would never rule something out."
That's all folks!

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John Beck

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