The World According to Garp Goldstein
Written by: Beck
Everything you always suspected but never quite put into words lined out for you in
one tight post. Testify brotherman!
[...] To my mind, a real commitment to egalitarian concerns had been eschewed by progressives in favor of a faux egalitarian impulse that sought to foist a superficial statistical "equality" on the American public by constantly jiggering policy to achieve the proportional results it idealized. And the ends justified the means. Which is how we ended up with illiberal liberalism--a liberal progressivist political culture that justifies racial quotas and free speech zones, hate crimes legislation and increasingly anti-male public education practices.
It's worth remembering that Martin Luther King, Jr., a Christian civil rights advocate (and president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference from its founding in 1957 to his death in 1968), would today be pilloried by the progressivist left as a red state Uncle Tom--an inauthentic Black Bible thumping creationist who's dream that people be judged not "by the color of their skin but by the content of their character" would be dismissed as anti-Black "code"--or rather, as the right's usurpation of the language of "fairness" to keep minorities permanently oppressed by removing from the social equation historical contingency. Which critique, of course, is a big steaming load of self-serving horseshit.
Just another reason why you should read Protein Wisdom every day--when the man gets serious, the path of destruction left in his wake leaves Nagasaki looking like a broken thimble at a quilting bee.
I say can I get a witness!?