Written by: Beck
Voting has begun in Iraq for the first free election in something like 50 years.
Iraq Election Diatribes has multiple updates.
Balloon Juice has an excellent post concerning the negative pre-election press coverage.
The Belgravia Dispatch has a round up of quotes from Iraqis on the eve of elections.
The Command Post, naturally, has continuous updates from its many correspondents.
PoliBlog has an Iraqi election news roundup of their own.
CNN.com's initial report online--which will likely be updated throughout the day--can be
found here.
Early reports (FoxNews seems to have the only realtime coverage of the election right now. CNN Headline News is reporting on the cold weather... in winter time) suggest that turnout is heavy, that polling stations are prepared, and that the heavy security seems to be having a positive effect. At least one would-be bomber has been stopped already, and another only managed to take out the checkpoint guard.