Not-so-strange bed fellows
Written by: Beck
The blogosphere not only slices and dices, it also brings together conservatives and libertarians. At least that's what Pejman Yousefzadeh argues in
his latest Tech Central Station column. I'm especially inclined to agree with his arguments, considering the 5 different people who (supposedly) write for
INCITE. We without doubt run the gamut of conservative thought. You'll have to trust me on that one.
One of the palliative effects of blogging and the Blogosphere in general, however, is that it has fomented greater (and more civil) interaction among conservative bloggers and blog readers, and their libertarian counterparts. Indeed, blogging may very well cause conservatives and libertarians to realize that their mutual interests may outweigh whatever specific policy differences exist between them.
This would not be a development without precedent. During the Cold War, many conservatives and libertarians put aside their differences and rallied around a common enemy, that total threat to freedom, Soviet communism. But in the wake of the Cold War, the differences between conservatives and libertarians have become more pronounced, prompting many to forget their mutual interests. But the blogging phenomenon is, in no small measure, reminding conservatives and libertarians of their mutual interests. And these mutual interests--coupled with the interaction between conservative and libertarian bloggers and readers--may help reaffirm a political consensus on certain issues in America, along with a right-of-center political coalition to back that consensus up, and seek to translate it into official policy.
See you tomorrow sportsfans.