A quick question for Tom DeLay
Written by: Beck
But first,
the issue.
DeLay suggested an impeachment case could made against judges who rebuffed Congress' will in the Terri Schiavo case. Congress ordered the federal courts to review the decisions of state judges who turned down her parents' efforts to keep her alive, but federal judges all the way up to the Supreme Court held up those decisions.
And now, the question: Tom, haven't you done enough damage to your political party already? Here's another question: don't you remember just how much damage the Clinton impeachment circus did to the Republican party? Final question: are you some sort of stealth Democratic Party operative, or are you just a fucking moron? It must be one of the two--I can't think of any other possible explanation.
You'll note I've not said a word on whether or not the judge in question
deserves impeachment. That's scarcely even relevant; what's more, considering that the Supreme Court itself refused three separate times to hear the case, I'm going to go ahead and speculate that an impeachment case against "judges who rebuffed Congress' will" has roughly zero chance of success.