A "charity" calling itself "the veterans" calls me an average of once a day asking for more money. It's very annoying and I've asked them to stop repeatedly, but they won't.
Verizon wants to charge me if I make a formal complaint. It's corporate extortion, 'Pay us or your phone will not stop ringing!'. Pisses me off.
On top of that, once upon a time I decided to join a
group protesting protesters. There are anti-civilization protests in town every month or so, and there's a local chapter of Protest Warrior, so I thought I'd do my bit and exercise my right to peaceably assembly and wave a sign around. I asked to get on Protest Warriors mailing list for local anti-protest activity. I've received exactly one email in the handful of months since doing so, trying to sell me a dvd of past protest warrior anti-protests. That pisses me off as well.
Goe, mad as hell but has to keep taking it because he's not got any nuclear weaponry.