Written by: Beck
Miss me?
First, thanks to Goe for cranking out the
Carnival of the Capitalists this past Tuesday. He put it together on short notice, and saved me a major nightmare.
Next, I'd like to direct your attention to the
greatest blog post ever involving the UN oil-for-food scandal and a
grey-cheeked mangabey.
Finally, as I don't currently have anything intelligent of my own to post (though I've got several ideas in the hopper. Really. Yes, I have a hopper), allow me to direct you to
one of the most thorough dissections of political flim-flammery (a.k.a. a speech by Al Gore before a MoveOn.org rally) I've seen to date. The real key to a successful endeavor along these lines, of course, is heaps of dripping sarcasm, which I can pleasantly report are to be found in abundance.