Couldn't have said it better myself
Written by: Beck
Stephen Green, of
Vodkapundit discusses whether the Bush administration should announce a firm date for pulling out of Iraq:
Last week, there was some hubbub in Congress demanding President Bush announce a firm date for pulling out of Iraq. Announcing an exit date would be dumber than using a taffy puller to epilate your scrotum.
Talk about a vivid metaphor. You'll have to read the rest of the post to see all of Green's arguments supporting his graphic assertion, but I'll shoot you a highlight.
It's for damn sure you won't sap the enemies will by telling him exactly how long to keep his head down. If we announce an exit date of six months or a year from now--or even in five years or a century--then we'll already have lost. An exit date is a signal of retreat. An exit date says, "We've given up. Just keep quiet until we're gone, and then the place will be all yours."