Apparently this
barking moonbat didn't set off the
Early Warning System. He rants and rants and rants about the "
Downing Street Memo", which have little to do with anything.
The memo was written by someone who was against going into Iraq, claims that information was being altered to justify a war, and admits casually that none of it was really made up.
For instance, what were the consequences, if Saddam used WMD on day one, or if Baghdad did not collapse and urban warfighting began? You said that Saddam could also use his WMD on Kuwait. Or on Israel, added the Defence Secretary.
Everyone in that meeting believed Saddam had WMD.
C reported on his recent talks in Washington. There was a perceptible shift in attitude. Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy.
This is the only thing close to scandalous, and if you notice, the policy was based on "the conjunction of terrorism and WMD", both of which were supported by the intelligence and the facts. There was no need to fix anything around the policy.
The NSC had no patience with the UN route, and no enthusiasm for publishing material on the Iraqi regime's record.
And why would there be a need to doctor anything if we weren't pushing hard for political support? And what would be the point of trying to do that?
The people who wanted Saddam to stay in power don't care how many
mass graves there were, they don't care how many terrorists he
aided, or the countries he invaded. (Granted, I couldn't give a rats ass about anything bad that happened to Iran, but if he didn't learn not to invade his neighbors then, he wasn't going to learn from the Kuwait War).
Mr. Anderson has shown that he's not just willing but
eager to support
Goe, wondering if Mr. Anderson has joined the
Libertarian National Socialist Green Party, because it's either that or