While certainly welcome news, let's hope the Brits don't read too much significance into the capture of the bombers.
I am sure there are many who will now claim that this is proof that the war can be effectively fought as a police action. In reality, capturing the bombers doesn't end Britain's terrorist threat any more than capturing a couple local loan sharks would have brought down Capone. These bombers were given orders by other men, who were in turn given orders by other men, who recieved orders from other men outside of Britain, who received funds from backers in numerous other places.
The unfortunate fact remains that whatever leads develop from this capture, a large part of the terrorist organization will remain untouched. There are thousands of other disaffected Muslims living in Britain who, thanks to Britain's generous welfare system, have plenty of time on their hands to take up terrorism.
It may take a while for the terrorist organization within Britain to recover from the vigorous police attention it is now receiving, but unless advances in the wider war on terrorism are won, it is only a matter of time before Britain faces more and more of these attacks.