Talk about picking your targets poorly
Written by: Beck
I just got an email scam letter--the typical give us your bank account info, and you'll somehow get a ton of money in return for doing nothing routine. Only this one takes a new format I've not yet seen before.
The scammer is impersonating the United Nations.
The United Nation has bestowed upon you a very great honuor, by contacting
you personally on a recent development to award humanitarian
certificate/funds to those patriotic citizens of the world who will join
us in this great campaign against AIDS.
I could almost see this being a practical joke, except that I don't know anyone who would go to this much effort for a 5 second gag.
Usually these just go in my spam bin, but this time, I decided to respond, simply sending
this link without further explanation. I'm guessing I'm not going to get a response.