In other news, Roger Simon is an optimist.
Written by: Beck
The UN has crippled any attempts at reforming itself. Unsurprisingly, I am unsurprised. What does surprise me a bit is that Roger Simon--who at times has been one of the only bloggers still covering the Oil-for-Food scandal--is
announcing the death knell of the United Nations as a consequence. Much as I would delight were he right, I'm disinclined to trust his optimism. The money 'graph:
Over the next few days, speeches will be made by world leaders, advances proclaimed and journalistic appraisals written, but what we are watching are the death throes of an organization. Even after the revelation that the United Nations had presided over the greatest financial scam in world history, the Iraq Oil-for-Food programme, the organization was not able to make the most paltry effort at reforming itself. No one - certainly not the United States - is going to give it serious funding from now on. The UN is now a ghost ship, heading up the East River. Wave good-bye. It's gone.