The Pentagon
believes it has too many places to train and house soldiers, sailors, and airmen. They also believe they have too much stuff.
One prominent military analyst, Loren Thompson of the Lexington Institute, said the military's excess industrial capacity made bases like the Army's Rock Island Arsenal in Illinois and the Watervliet Arsenal in New York, and the Marine Corps' logistics center in Albany, Ga., ripe for realignment.
Excess industrial capacity? Apparently the Pentagon and the Lexington Institute missed the recent
bullet shortage, where we ran low on bullets. The Pentagon and Rumsfeld have consistently failed in predicting future needs and seem completely oblivious to the existence of
China, so when they claim we have excess production, storage, or training capacity for future wars, I'm
inclined to disagree.
Goe, because if we can't defend taiwan, we can't defend any pacific rim ally.